Welcome to

A place to discover the whole world
and find the wonder in your own backyard

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Dear Friends:

Welcome to Our Kitchen Table. At Our Kitchen Table, you will find stories and photos of our adventures on the road. The road might be Mexico working with an environmental nonprofit, or the Grand Canyon, working with a Native American tribe. It might be home in Tucson, Arizona. It could be a road traveled by a Help 4 NonProfits & Tribes alum, heading to the Peace Corps in West Africa.

So grab a steaming cup of coffee (or glass of wine), and let us tell you a story ...

At Our Kitchen Table.

 We hope you'll visit often.

In 1998, our work brought us to Puerto Peñasco, Sonora, Mexico, where the community welcomed and embraced us. We hope you enjoy our Mexico adventures as much as we did!

Monet discoved a lifetime of wonder in the solitude of his gardens. We hope you enjoy exploring our "backyard" as much as we do!

In 1998, we were honored to work with CEDO, the Intercultural Center for the Study of Deserts and Oceans, in Puerto Peñasco, Sonora, Mexico. Come see how a small group of people has impacted a whole region!

Indian Country is an amazing place - somewhere we feel blessed to be able to work. We hope you enjoy learning about these varied lands as much as we do!

In January 2001, our friend and former intern, Brett McNaught, took off for the adventure of a lifetime - a 2 year Peace Corps stint in Niger, the second poorest country on earth.

Read " What a Wonderful World"

Learn more about Hildy and Dimitri


Website Design by Dimitri Petropolis - I MADE THIS!  

In creating a site like this, all the materials (text, photos and graphics) are works from our hearts and minds. They belong to us. And so the reproduction in any form whatsoever of any material from this site, for any purpose other than your own personal joy (as in showing it to a friend and saying "Isn't this neat?" or keeping it tucked away because it makes you happy), without prior written permission, is strictly prohibited. If you find a photo you like and take it because you think it would look great on your website, we will prosecute you to the full extent of the law. Sorry to be heavy handed, but all we have is our hearts and minds, and we'd prefer to keep them.